Certified Practising Conveyancers Code of Conduct

A statement of the behaviour, principles and values that are expected of a Certified Practising Conveyancer as a member of the Australian Institute of Conveyancers NSW Division Limited.


Members shall ensure that their conduct does not bring discredit to the conveyancing profession.
Members shall act with honour, integrity and professionalism.
Members shall act for their clients impartially and objectively.
Members shall act with all due diligence, skill and care.


Members shall not act in matters where the member does not have the competence, skill or expertise to complete the transaction to the acceptable professional standard required and expected by the client or the Institute.


Members shall observe the requirements of confidentiality in all dealings with clients and shall not disclose any confidential information without the prior consent of the client unless compelled to do so by law.


Members shall identify an actual or potential conflict of interest between either the member’s clients or between the member and any client and shall not continue to act in any matter where a conflict has been identified. 


Members shall act in compliance with all Acts of Parliament and any related regulations that govern or regulate the profession of conveyancing. In particular members shall make themselves aware of the requirements of the current Conveyancers Licensing Act and the Regulations to that Act. Members shall comply with any rules or regulations of the Institute and in particular the Institute’s Memorandum and Articles of Association.


Members shall communicate clearly, regularly and in plain English in all communications with the client and all other parties to a transaction.